
130 ft.Tower KE5R

100 ft. tower,125 ft. tower,130 ft. tower,180 ft. tower
post 29 Jan 2024
130 ft.Tower KE5R

Antenna Tower Links


Ham Radio Tower at, NØHR
Here are some of the highlights of the tower and antenna project

High Band Antennas, K5GO
The primary antenna on 20 meters is a stack of 8 element Yagi antennas fixed on Europe. Antennas are at 150 feet and 75 feet with each antenna on a 110 foot boom

Installazione del traliccio, IW2NOY
Installazione del traliccio, foto che abbiamo scattato durante i lavori


PIC-Keyer This project describes the construction of a real "QRP" keyer with a small microcontroller PIC 16F84, with slightly modified hardware also PIC16F62

Qrm Eliminetor

Qrm Eliminetor The principle is based on the fact that the interfering signal from the main antenna coming from the local interfering signal is phase-shifted by means of an auxiliary antenna so superimposed that eliminate the interference

Voice Recorder

Voice Recorder Gestito dall'integrato in questione ed offre la possibilità di registrare più messaggi per una durata massima di un minuto con buona fedeltà di riproduzione