Radio Contest club RU1A
post 21 Dec 2021
Antenna Tower Links →
Towers Antennas OK1RD
A new antenna for 60m band, i decided to build a 2 element hb9cv known as zl special as well
A current transformer for grounded towers, N6LF
On coupling between verticals and towers I realized that it would be very handy to have a current transformer
Antenna system, NY1E
Rohn 25G tower with a KLM KT34-XA at 99 feet with a homebrew 6 element 6M beam above that
Antenna Supports and hardware
Keep your antenna in the air with our lightweight telescopic poles
Installing new 220-foot Rohn 45G Tower
A new antenna for 60m band, i decided to build a 2 element hb9cv known as zl special as well
On coupling between verticals and towers I realized that it would be very handy to have a current transformer
Rohn 25G tower with a KLM KT34-XA at 99 feet with a homebrew 6 element 6M beam above that
Keep your antenna in the air with our lightweight telescopic poles
About Rtty mode
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