Cool It
I have owned an AT-AUTO since they were first released and its given good service. One area that it let me down was 10M
post 22 Dec 2021
Coils Traps Antennas Links →
Low Cost Antenna Traps
Let's work through the design of a simple-to-construct low-cost antenna trap
La Trampa Balun
The choke balun has represented a more effective solution, from the electrical point of view, for monoband antennas
Multiband vertical
10 meters of vertical that makes for a handy 1/4 wave for 40m, 30m, 20m, 17m
RF Inductance Calculator
Mean diameter of the air core coil, measured from conductor centre to conductor centre include the wire insulation thickness, if any
Repairing Unadilla W2VS 40m Antenna Traps
The Unadilla trap is constructed with two concentric lengths of aluminum tubing separated by an insulating layer, thereby forming the parallel capacitor
Let's work through the design of a simple-to-construct low-cost antenna trap
The choke balun has represented a more effective solution, from the electrical point of view, for monoband antennas
10 meters of vertical that makes for a handy 1/4 wave for 40m, 30m, 20m, 17m
Mean diameter of the air core coil, measured from conductor centre to conductor centre include the wire insulation thickness, if any
The Unadilla trap is constructed with two concentric lengths of aluminum tubing separated by an insulating layer, thereby forming the parallel capacitor
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