
Double bazooka coaxial dipole broad-band

This antenna can be cut for any operating frequency, from 160-meters down. The RG-58U is capable of handling a full kilowatt. This design is broad-banded will provided low SWR
post 24 Feb 2024
Double bazooka coaxial dipole broad-band

Antenna Bazzoka Links


Bazooka Antenne
The bazooka behaves neutral to various environmental influences and is very broadband

Bazooka Dipol
The Bazooka is a monoband dipole made using RG 58 coaxial cable, with 500 watts without further ado

Coaxial Dipole
coaxial dipole formed from two 1/4 wave shorted end stubs

Coaxial dipole antenna 128 MHz
The antenna is known as a double bazooka design and is very popular with radio amateurs who make it for 144-146mhz FM operations


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