23cms Quadrature hybrids
The critical dimensions are the case and line, I have had 30 lines cut with a laser cutter to better than 0.1mm tolerances and I am having some boxes milled from brass. All will be silver plated
post 13 Mar 2024

Antenna 23cm 1.2 GHz Links →
Building UHF Yagis A Practical
A detailed photo essay on how he builds his well designed UHF Yagi antennas
Construction of a 23cm double bi-quad antenna
I had half a spool of 2mm enamelled copper wire left over from my 12-turn helix, so this was soon bent into shape to make the element
Construction of a QRP 23cm HB9CV antenna
HB9CV antenna my own 23cm version using brass for the boom and radiating elements
Direttiva Yagi 10 elementi 23cm
Antenna per ATV, in 23cm una semplice yagi a 10 elementi
Double Quad
A description of a 9 dBd double quad and its calculations
A detailed photo essay on how he builds his well designed UHF Yagi antennas
I had half a spool of 2mm enamelled copper wire left over from my 12-turn helix, so this was soon bent into shape to make the element
HB9CV antenna my own 23cm version using brass for the boom and radiating elements
Antenna per ATV, in 23cm una semplice yagi a 10 elementi
A description of a 9 dBd double quad and its calculations