
Doppelquad antenna for 23cm

The Doppelquad is a well-tried antenna. New here is only the metallically grounded construction and the calculation for the 23cm band
post 26 Jun 2024
Doppelquad antenna for 23cm

Antenna 23cm 1.2 GHz Links


23cm L-Band Helix Antenna Array
For 23 cm 1269 MHz SSB operation on AO-40 a nominal 1500 watts ERP of uplink power is required

23cm LDMOS Power Amplifier
The MRF9060 is rated at a minimum of 60W CW output at 950MHz and the MRF9045 at 40 Watts

23CM Quad Antenna
My first 23 cm Quad Antenna implementation

23cm interdigital filters
Filter for atv and ssb for 100 euro, attenuation on 950mhz 60db, on 1800mhz 80db and on the second harmonic 55db

23cm Signal Generator
This signal generator uses a free-running L-band VCO as it's source


PIC-Keyer This project describes the construction of a real "QRP" keyer with a small microcontroller PIC 16F84, with slightly modified hardware also PIC16F62


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