
Recommended practices for grounding

Recommended practices for grounding

The grounding system also allows transients such as lightning to be safely diverted to earth

post 07 Aug 2024

System Grounding Links


Lightning Protection of an Amateur Radio Station
It is not enough to just put a lightning arrestor on our antenna coax and not at very least disconnect the antennas

Ground Problems

having problems with RF ground systems

Ground Systems Antenna Grounds
A ground screen, counterpoise, or ground radial system below the antenna

Grounding Systems in the Ham Shack
Compliance with electrical safety guidelines (electrical grounding system

Grounding Systems for Amateur Radio Stations
Radio operators about the desirability for good grounding systems

23cm Yagi Antenna building

23cm Yagi Antenna building Finished antenna at 1275 MHz SWR under 1:1.5 at resonant frequency

50 MHz preamp Gain 26dB with the BFG135

50 MHz preamp Gain 26dB with the BFG135 Preamps for 144 and 430 MHz, for 50 MHz, the BFG135a is a cheap transistor and in my view rather strong. It is not easily damaged by static discharge or RF power. FG connection


Interface-for-digital-broadcasts-with-integrated-audio 4-port HUB, with a TUSB2046. With port 1 of the HUB we drive the FT232RL; with port 2 the PCM2904, furthermore, we decided to leave ports 3 and 4 free