Antenna verticale 10-80 metri
Antenna a larga banda da 80 a 10 metri,altezza dell'antena 5,90 m. Balun 4:1
post 04 Dec 2024
Antenna Vertical Links →
9 band vertical HF antenna
May be it sounds crazy, but this antenna realization is my former idea of using any random wire as HF multiband
27m Titanex vertical
The antenna tuning unit used with this 27m Titanex vertical was originally designed to operate on 40, 80 and 160m
A 60 foot Irrigation Tubing Mast/Vertical
Antenna verticale per 160 metri
Here are some photos of my workhorse 60 foot mast design, made from 3 inch aluminum irrigation tubing
May be it sounds crazy, but this antenna realization is my former idea of using any random wire as HF multiband
The antenna tuning unit used with this 27m Titanex vertical was originally designed to operate on 40, 80 and 160m
Here are some photos of my workhorse 60 foot mast design, made from 3 inch aluminum irrigation tubing