The Gamma-matched ground plane
Achieve a good match to a coaxial transmission line with the gamma-matched ground plane
post 07 Nov 2023
Antenna Vertical Links →
A Modified Petlowany Antenna
It is essentially a very short dipole with spiral-wound coils at each end
Antena vertical
Outside of the wave traps there is nothing difficult in the construction of this antenna; the traps are of homemade construction and we will use a simple ingenuity to make them
Vertikal Dipole 10-40m
The modelled inverted-V antenna is full size and will have a higher efficiency than a shortened horizontal dipole. If we consider a full size 1/4 wavelength
Verticale con circuito risonante alla base dai 160-ai 10mt
the self-construction of a vertical machine operating in the amateur radio bands, mainly from 160 to 40 meters
It is essentially a very short dipole with spiral-wound coils at each end
Outside of the wave traps there is nothing difficult in the construction of this antenna; the traps are of homemade construction and we will use a simple ingenuity to make them
The modelled inverted-V antenna is full size and will have a higher efficiency than a shortened horizontal dipole. If we consider a full size 1/4 wavelength
the self-construction of a vertical machine operating in the amateur radio bands, mainly from 160 to 40 meters
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