Verticale per le Hf
L'antenna e' una canna alta 7 metri, composto da due pezzi in fibra di vetro,con un balun 4:1
post 25 Oct 2023
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T2LT for the 10m Band
The construction is very easy to handle. T2LT stands for Tuned Transmission Line Trap Antenna. The principle corresponds to the sleeve dipole or the coaxial dipole
Three Meter Flex Vertical for 40 meter
This antenna is about ten feet 3m tall 0.075 l'ambda on 40m because the capacitance hat is a tall pyramid shape
Short Vertical Antennas for 3 bandsIl quarto d'onda raccorciato le misure sono in millimetri, e poco meno di tre metri per la gamma 14 MHz. La risonanza per le gamme 14 e 21 MHz e' ottenuta mediante due bobine trasversali, terminate in una capacita' costituita da tre bacchette disposte a ventaglio
The construction is very easy to handle. T2LT stands for Tuned Transmission Line Trap Antenna. The principle corresponds to the sleeve dipole or the coaxial dipole
This antenna is about ten feet 3m tall 0.075 l'ambda on 40m because the capacitance hat is a tall pyramid shape
About Rtty mode
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