Boom microphone

Using pc boom headsets with amateur transceivers yaesu ft-857 ft-897 icom ic-7000
post 30 Nov 2024
Transceivers ic-7000 Links →
IC-7000 tv Mod for South Africa
modifying the icom ic 7000 export version no 8 to receive pal tv and to open up the tx frequency rang
IC-7000 TVRO & MARS-CAP Mods
following information is regarding the modification of restoring tv function of the ic-7000. tv function is concealed to keep security for operation in a car
IC7000BKT ICOM IC-7000 CAT Control
programma per il controllo da pc del ricetrasmettitore icom ic-7000
Transceivers ic-7000 modific micro
Searching around the internet, this was a big issue and disappointment by many operators - now including myself. I found this site by AB5N who does mic mods for this specific issue. I also found these instructions by WX7Y. I decided to use the instructions to modific my own mi
modifying the icom ic 7000 export version no 8 to receive pal tv and to open up the tx frequency rang
following information is regarding the modification of restoring tv function of the ic-7000. tv function is concealed to keep security for operation in a car
programma per il controllo da pc del ricetrasmettitore icom ic-7000
Searching around the internet, this was a big issue and disappointment by many operators - now including myself. I found this site by AB5N who does mic mods for this specific issue. I also found these instructions by WX7Y. I decided to use the instructions to modific my own mi