
Double-L Antenna For 80-160m

The antenna is a center-fed half wave vertical with about 70 feet of vertical length with the remainder of the top and bottom of the antenna bent horizontal and parallel to each other. The antenna looks like a squared-off letter C fed in the middle of the vertical part
post 18 Jun 2024
Double-L Antenna For 80-160m

Antenna 160 meter Links


160m End Fed Antenna
The antenna is sported by a 22ft 6.7m central support and a 12ft 3.66 end support

Loaded Dipole for 160 Meter
Total Length 26 m 85 ft. Total Weight: 380 g Mesh constructed with enamelled wire 0.5 mm diameter Mesh-size 4 m x 2 m 13 x 6.5 ft

Morgain 160mt
The total length of each of the radiator halves is about 60 m. They are folded three times, as shown schematically

Inverted Ls and Vs Slopers Linear Loaded

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