
Polarized antenna the Linear loaded

This is a vertically and horizontally polarized antenna the Linear loaded 1/4 wave length vertical radiator introduces very little loss. The over all radiation efficiency is high at 80% to 85%
post 05 Dec 2024
Polarized antenna the Linear loaded

Antenna 160 meter Links


160m End Fed Antenna
The antenna is sported by a 22ft 6.7m central support and a 12ft 3.66 end support

Loaded Dipole for 160 Meter
Total Length 26 m 85 ft. Total Weight: 380 g Mesh constructed with enamelled wire 0.5 mm diameter Mesh-size 4 m x 2 m 13 x 6.5 ft

Morgain 160mt
The total length of each of the radiator halves is about 60 m. They are folded three times, as shown schematically

Inverted Ls and Vs Slopers Linear Loaded

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