
Homemade UHF SWR meter

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post 10 Jun 2024
Homemade UHF SWR meter

Swr Meter Links


Externe s-meter for YAESU FT-857 EN FT-897
The Yaesu type FT-897 and FT-857 have the possibility to connect an analog meter for measuring SWR / Signal

FT Meter per Yaesu FT-857 / FT-897
Un simpatico ed utile accessorio e' l'FT Meter per la serie Yaesu FT-857 / FT-897

FT Meter Yaesu 897 e 857Tale strumento viene commercializzato come opzional, e venduto a caro prezzo dalla LDG electronic USA

HF Low-Power meter based on temperature measurements
When building an ATV Transmitter at 23cm, there was a great need for a power meter for small powers

H.F. Directional Power Meter
The parallel line arrangement, seen in some s.w.r. meters, has the disadvantage of the sensitivity falling with frequency

Antenna splitter per VHF-UHF per quattro ricevitori

Antenna splitter per VHF-UHF per quattro ricevitori Chi dispone di una sola antenna e vuole collegarvi più di un ricevitore necessità di uno splitter

Kits and Components

Amateur radio kits by Kanga US

50MHz to 28MHz RX Converter

50MHz to 28MHz RX Converter The concept of the rx converter is quite simple and nothing really new. the local oscillator is a standard colpitts crystal oscillator producing the 22mhz lo signal