Power and SWR Meter
This update replaces the teensy ++ 2.0 microcontroller with the much more powerful teensy 3.2 32 bit arm cortex-m4 running at 96 mhz
post 07 Feb 2024
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USB/Serial SWR Meter
This project is mainly about software. For computing hardware, I will start with the Arduino UNO R3, and much of the work will be done in its firmware
Tuning Your Antenna
This handy device can give you a lot of information about an antenna. It can tell you if it's too long or too short. It can tell you an antenna's resonant frequency
The Resistive SWR Bridge
The resistive SWR bridge is highly recommended for both beginners and experienced constructors
This project is mainly about software. For computing hardware, I will start with the Arduino UNO R3, and much of the work will be done in its firmware
This handy device can give you a lot of information about an antenna. It can tell you if it's too long or too short. It can tell you an antenna's resonant frequency
The resistive SWR bridge is highly recommended for both beginners and experienced constructors