Palstar AT 1500CV
With this tuner it is possible to tune only parallel antennas without QRO because otherwise the balun will be a hot plate
post 11 May 2023
Antenna Transmatch tuner Links →
Emtech ZM-2 Antenna Tuner Kit
With the ZM-2, a tuning solution quite close to optimum can be found without even transmitting, just by listening for a peak in receiver noise
End-Fed Half-Wave Antenna & Tuner
The radiator itself is simply a half-wave long piece of wire. I used an unzipped length of zip cord, a full free-space half wave length about 41.6 metres
EZ-Tuner Site
EZ-Tuner is a shielded RF compartment which contains two Cardwell-Johnson 3500V variable capacitors, two 50pF/5kV
Gotta Match
I found that the Ultimate Transmatch is not as good at suppressing harmonics as the SPC so I decided on the SPC Transmatch
HF P-Greco Transmatch
Transmatch Hf che permette di utilizzare una grossa doppia filare
With the ZM-2, a tuning solution quite close to optimum can be found without even transmitting, just by listening for a peak in receiver noise
The radiator itself is simply a half-wave long piece of wire. I used an unzipped length of zip cord, a full free-space half wave length about 41.6 metres
EZ-Tuner is a shielded RF compartment which contains two Cardwell-Johnson 3500V variable capacitors, two 50pF/5kV
I found that the Ultimate Transmatch is not as good at suppressing harmonics as the SPC so I decided on the SPC Transmatch
Transmatch Hf che permette di utilizzare una grossa doppia filare
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