Antenna tune tuner diy kit 1-30Mhz
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A Balanced Balanced Antenna Tuner
As a rule of thumb, a balun should have about 4 times as many reactive ohms as the resistive ohms of the load. This means that for use with a 600ohm balanced load, the balun should have a secondary winding reactance of about 2400ohm
Automatic Tuner Project
I have been accumulating parts from ham swap meets for several years for a medium power antenna tuner. The tuner is a high pass T-network tuner
A Homebrew Z-Match Transmatch
The coil was wound using some #22 solid hookup wire (from Radio Shack) which I had lying around. The secondary winding is wound between the turns of the primary to ensure tight coupling
Accordatore HF d'antenna
piccolo transmatch Hf che permette di utilizzare lo yaesu FT-757 GX
As a rule of thumb, a balun should have about 4 times as many reactive ohms as the resistive ohms of the load. This means that for use with a 600ohm balanced load, the balun should have a secondary winding reactance of about 2400ohm
I have been accumulating parts from ham swap meets for several years for a medium power antenna tuner. The tuner is a high pass T-network tuner
The coil was wound using some #22 solid hookup wire (from Radio Shack) which I had lying around. The secondary winding is wound between the turns of the primary to ensure tight coupling
piccolo transmatch Hf che permette di utilizzare lo yaesu FT-757 GX
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