The Balanced Universal ATU
It is possible with only two components of a LC circuit to build a symmetrical ATU without taps and coupling links
post 11 May 2023
Antenna Transmatch tuner Links →
End Fed Halfwave and Tuner For 80-160
I planned to set up portable and lift the 123-foot wire with some helium balloons and operate in the QRP category
HF/6M Antenna Tuner Preselector and Antenna Switcher, ON6MU
Frequency range: 2Mc...52Mc, 180m band depending on the mismatch of the antenna used and/or maximum inductance. Experimenting with the coils can be desirable
Hf remote antenna unner unit
Consiglio un cavo coassiale per il collegamento del servo fra box di controllo e accordatore
HF/VHF Portable Mini Tuner
Variable capacitor of at least 300pF or better 500 pF,frequency range depending on the coil min & max inductance 160m...6m
I planned to set up portable and lift the 123-foot wire with some helium balloons and operate in the QRP category
Frequency range: 2Mc...52Mc, 180m band depending on the mismatch of the antenna used and/or maximum inductance. Experimenting with the coils can be desirable
Consiglio un cavo coassiale per il collegamento del servo fra box di controllo e accordatore
Variable capacitor of at least 300pF or better 500 pF,frequency range depending on the coil min & max inductance 160m...6m
About Rtty mode
Audio Recording
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Qrp low power
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