The simple Zmactch tunner simplified
Coils L1 57 mm diam. and L2 67 mm diam. are wound with around 16SWG gauge enamel wire
post 11 May 2023
Antenna Transmatch tuner Links →
Antenna tuner L for antenne long-fil
This small coupler allows the adaptation of a longwire antenna of twenty meters for use in QRP power less than 25 watts on the 7 MHz band
Antennentuner L-Tuner
Very common among antenna tuners is the Pi circuit, also known as the Collins filter
Accordatore HF 1.8 50 MHZ 100 watt
Per il contenitore ho usato una scatola per montaggi elettrici in pvc tipo gewiss di dimensioni 30x20x6 cm schermandola poi internamente con della comune stagnola
QRO ATU with Dummy Load
QRO ATU / Dummy Load / Power meter intended to be capable of handling the full 400W
This small coupler allows the adaptation of a longwire antenna of twenty meters for use in QRP power less than 25 watts on the 7 MHz band
Very common among antenna tuners is the Pi circuit, also known as the Collins filter
Per il contenitore ho usato una scatola per montaggi elettrici in pvc tipo gewiss di dimensioni 30x20x6 cm schermandola poi internamente con della comune stagnola
QRO ATU / Dummy Load / Power meter intended to be capable of handling the full 400W
About Rtty mode
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