Transmatchs several antenna couplers
One of the most common questions is the values or dimensions of the variable coils and capacitors for transmatch
post 11 May 2023
Antenna Transmatch tuner Links →
Pi-filter ATU voor Beams en Verticals
An antenna tuner for coaxial cable powered resonance antennas, such as beams and verticals for 10 to 20 m, can easily be made with normal components
QRP Antenna Tuner
The tuner was built in an aluminum project box. Various holes were drilled in the box for mounting all of the components. When laying out the parts, leave plenty of room around the sides of the components to prevent RF arcing
S match A symmetrical and universal ATU
The Balanced Universal ATU System. The system is intended to accommodate balanced antenna systems transmitting on a very wide frequency spectrum, ranging from 160 m band up to 10 m band
An antenna tuner for coaxial cable powered resonance antennas, such as beams and verticals for 10 to 20 m, can easily be made with normal components
The tuner was built in an aluminum project box. Various holes were drilled in the box for mounting all of the components. When laying out the parts, leave plenty of room around the sides of the components to prevent RF arcing
The Balanced Universal ATU System. The system is intended to accommodate balanced antenna systems transmitting on a very wide frequency spectrum, ranging from 160 m band up to 10 m band
About Rtty mode
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