
40 Meter Parasitic Delta Loop Array

On 40 meters, my experience is that you need at least 20 dB of F/B ratio in order to be able to turn down European broadcasters enough to be able to hear the west coast stations, especially the west coast stations with dipoles and 100 watts
post 28 Jan 2024
40 Meter Parasitic Delta Loop Array

Antenna Delta Loop Links


Inverted Dipole Delta Loop
For relays 160m 1 and 4 are energized, the antenna works as a folded dipole

L'Antenne Delta Loop
To calculate a Delta - Loop antenna the formula is relatively simple: we take the formula 1005 / F, here if we want the Delta Loop to be qrv any Band it must be calculated on the lowest frequency, we take as an example the 3,500 Khz

Antenne delta-loop 160, le 80, le 40 et le 30m
My delta measures 166m perimeter, has the shape of an isosceles triangle 2 identical sides are horizontal and is located at 18m from the ground, I use this antenna delta loop for my HF connections, and in particular for the 160s, 80s, 40 and 30 m

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Duplexer 2m-70cm

Duplexer 2m-70cm- Usare un'antenna bibanda 2/70 con due radio separate V/UHF, usare due antenne separate V/UHF con una singola radio bibanda