Antena Delta Loop for 80m
Antenna was calculated to operate at 80 meters and cut at the frequency of 3700 mhz
post 29 Feb 2024
Antenna Delta Loop Links →
Super Loop Antenna
The Superloop is the 30' length of ladderline hanging down from the center insulator. This length has been tuned so that appears to be a open circuit stub on 40 meters; thus the antenna becomes two full wave wires at 40 meters and is commonly referred to as the Bi Square antenna
The 40/30 Pyramid
I have something here that I believe is new. If it isn't then that's ok ,I don't use EZNEC or read antenna articles much. I like to innovate. This antenna is an innovation. I have read about a sloping two band Delta loop but it used two feed lines mine uses one. It is called the 40/30 pyramid
Two element parasitic delta loop array
Ladder line fed loops perform well.K4QKY hasbeen using large multi band ladder line fed loop antennas with good success for many years
The Superloop is the 30' length of ladderline hanging down from the center insulator. This length has been tuned so that appears to be a open circuit stub on 40 meters; thus the antenna becomes two full wave wires at 40 meters and is commonly referred to as the Bi Square antenna
I have something here that I believe is new. If it isn't then that's ok ,I don't use EZNEC or read antenna articles much. I like to innovate. This antenna is an innovation. I have read about a sloping two band Delta loop but it used two feed lines mine uses one. It is called the 40/30 pyramid
Ladder line fed loops perform well.K4QKY hasbeen using large multi band ladder line fed loop antennas with good success for many years