
Antenna vertical delta loop

Just as with the quad loop, we can switch from horizontal to vertical polarization by changing the position of the feed point on the loop. For horizontal polarization the loop is fed either at the center of the baseline or at the top of the loop. For vertical polarization the loop should be fed on one of the sloping sides, at 1/4 from the apex of the delta
post 20 Apr 2024
Antenna vertical delta loop

Antenna Delta Loop Links


Delta Loop antenna 3.5 - 30 MHz
84 m Total Wire Length (L1 + L2 + L3) - 28 m Triangle Length (L1 = L2 = L3) - 10.56 m 75ohm coaxial length

Delta Loop Lazy loop from 160 to 10 meters
The loop is 3.650 Mhz. For matching the loop on the other bands I use a Toroid Balun with

Double Half Delta DHD
In teoria dovrebbe restituire un segnale basso ma con un buon rapporto S/N, pressappoco come una Beverage. L' antenna e' costituita da due triangoli di filo sospesi a un metro e mezzo da terra

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