Full wave loop antenna
This Delta Loop is a three-sided antenna suspended high in the air by vertical supports, such as tall evergreen trees. Recommended height is 40 feet or more at highest point, but higher is better
post 22 Apr 2024
Antenna Delta Loop Links →
Delta loop 10 - 80mt
I personally tried three wired Delta Loops. One at 10.1 MHz the other at 160 - 80m and the third at 80/40/20/10 / 15m. The first named Delta Loop hereafter referred to as DL worked virtually immediately after minor tuning, with more problems with the other. But everything first. Here is the DL for the 30m band
Delta loop 3 elementi filare reversibile
Come si comprende dal titolo, l'antenna che qui descrivo e' una classica Delta Loop a tre elementi per i 40 metr
Delta Loop de Onda Completa
Delta Loop can be built for any band, limiting only the space that we have available to place it. The shape of the loop can be distorted or tilted considerably without affecting the performance too much
I personally tried three wired Delta Loops. One at 10.1 MHz the other at 160 - 80m and the third at 80/40/20/10 / 15m. The first named Delta Loop hereafter referred to as DL worked virtually immediately after minor tuning, with more problems with the other. But everything first. Here is the DL for the 30m band
Come si comprende dal titolo, l'antenna che qui descrivo e' una classica Delta Loop a tre elementi per i 40 metr
Delta Loop can be built for any band, limiting only the space that we have available to place it. The shape of the loop can be distorted or tilted considerably without affecting the performance too much
Antenna switch arduino for icom IC-7300 A solution built around an arduino nano and one of the readily available four relay switching boards