
Random length multiband delta loop

This antenna must be used with a tuner if you have a true balanced tuner,you can eliminate the 4:1 balun
post 03 Apr 2024
Random length multiband delta loop

Antenna Delta Loop Links


The antenna has a triangular
The antenna has a triangular shape, one of the ends of the triangular is grounded. Figure 1 shows the circuit of the antenna. A good grounding is necessary for successful work of the antenna

The Delta Loop Skywire Antenna
The construction of a simple multiband delta loop antenna skywire for the 80m 10 m bands. The construction will be theoretically initialized with the help of the antenna calculation program EZNEC

The delta-loop antenna
Recalculated and adjusted each side to 13,59 meter. Made a new run with the miniVNA. The Loop works fine on 40/20 Meter band, and is usable but not optimal on 15Meter

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