Coaxial balun 1:1

This balun uses a wavelength of 1/4 and the adaptation sections of the wavelength with with the 50 Ohm coaxial cable
post 14 Nov 2024
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Symetriseurs, adaptateurs d'impedance BALUNS
Incidentally remove the RF in the schack, distorted antenna radiation patterns, reception of ambient electrical noise
Triple ratio balun
The first TRB I built is shown in the photos below. I wound it with four quadrifilar turns and 8 bifilar turns
Tipos de balun y unun
In this blog different types of balun and unun are presented for use in amateur radio frequencies. The emphasis is on the HF band 3-30 MHz
Baluns 1.8 a 30 50 MHz
Building a Balun is a relatively simple job. The transformer uses two ferrite tubes, material 43 or 61, or other material with permeability 125 to 850
Incidentally remove the RF in the schack, distorted antenna radiation patterns, reception of ambient electrical noise
The first TRB I built is shown in the photos below. I wound it with four quadrifilar turns and 8 bifilar turns
In this blog different types of balun and unun are presented for use in amateur radio frequencies. The emphasis is on the HF band 3-30 MHz
Building a Balun is a relatively simple job. The transformer uses two ferrite tubes, material 43 or 61, or other material with permeability 125 to 850

PSION Greyline Clock PSION Greyline Clock v. 1.0 is a UTC/Local clock showing sunlight/darkness area on the world map