Symetriseurs, adaptateurs d'impedance BALUNS
Incidentally remove the RF in the schack, distorted antenna radiation patterns, reception of ambient electrical noise
post 15 May 2023
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Balun for yagi 144mhz
Balun yagi if coax type rg59/u is long 34,5 cm
Baluns on Log Periodic Antennas
This is the electrically ideal method of bringing the feed line back to the mast from the log feed. This method keeps the coaxial line away from the balanced transmission line formed by the boom. This works with ANY log periodic and good balun, including 200-300 ohm balanced systems
Coaxial balun
I used RG58 coaxial cable since I use less than 300 W power. Better is the use of the RG142 Coaxial cable with Teflon dielectric, which handle a power of 2 KW at 144 MHz with a lower loss also
End-Fed 160-10m Long Wire
diy 9:1 a un-un unbalanced to unbalanced transformer the heart of the un-un uses a type 43 ft240-43 core and consists of a trifilar 3 wire winding arrangement around the core
End fed long wire
I will try to share my experience with the end fed long wire antenna
Balun yagi if coax type rg59/u is long 34,5 cm
This is the electrically ideal method of bringing the feed line back to the mast from the log feed. This method keeps the coaxial line away from the balanced transmission line formed by the boom. This works with ANY log periodic and good balun, including 200-300 ohm balanced systems
I used RG58 coaxial cable since I use less than 300 W power. Better is the use of the RG142 Coaxial cable with Teflon dielectric, which handle a power of 2 KW at 144 MHz with a lower loss also
diy 9:1 a un-un unbalanced to unbalanced transformer the heart of the un-un uses a type 43 ft240-43 core and consists of a trifilar 3 wire winding arrangement around the core
I will try to share my experience with the end fed long wire antenna
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