The 50MHz-Yagis are designed with an impedance of 12.5 Ohm or 28 Ohm and some types with 50 Ohm impedance
post 15 May 2024
Antenna 6 meter Links →
The mighty wide six metre dipole
Simple 50 ohm coaxial feed design, no Antenna Tuning Unit required, Wide Bandwidth - 50 . 00 to 52 . 00 Megahertz
The X-antenna antenna for portable work on 6m
The 4 rods go through holes grommet sealed in a small round plastic box. The rods I used have 10 sections with a maximum diameter at the base of 9.5mm. When un-extended they are 16.5cm in length and 131cm when extended
Tonnà 5 Elementi 50 MHz: modifica del dipolo
La 5 el. Tonna e' un'antenna con un buon rapporto prezzo/prestazioni, inoltre e' discretamente robusta e facile da assemblare per un uso portatile
Una Yagi a 6 elementi per i 6 metri
L'antenna, una sei elementi lunga poco meno di sei metri, il boom in tubo di alluminio del diametro di 40mm
Simple 50 ohm coaxial feed design, no Antenna Tuning Unit required, Wide Bandwidth - 50 . 00 to 52 . 00 Megahertz
The 4 rods go through holes grommet sealed in a small round plastic box. The rods I used have 10 sections with a maximum diameter at the base of 9.5mm. When un-extended they are 16.5cm in length and 131cm when extended
La 5 el. Tonna e' un'antenna con un buon rapporto prezzo/prestazioni, inoltre e' discretamente robusta e facile da assemblare per un uso portatile
L'antenna, una sei elementi lunga poco meno di sei metri, il boom in tubo di alluminio del diametro di 40mm
Antenna switch arduino for icom IC-7300 A solution built around an arduino nano and one of the readily available four relay switching boards