E'omnidirezionale e quindi non servono rotori occupa poco spazio e su tetto e'discreta
post 26 Jan 2024
Antenna Cobweb Links →
Construction of his Cobbweb antenna
After the success of my first cobweb antenna I decided to build a rigid version for my home QTH
The CobWebb antenna
20m, 17m, 15m, 12m, 10m operation, at 4 meters from the ground for test
Antenna COBWEBB 20m – 17m – 15m – 12m – 10m
E' omnidirezionale e quindi non servono rotori occupa poco spazio e su tetto e' discreta
4-Band c.o.l.a antenna 20-17-15-10m
Deploying a centre fed open loop half-wave dipole in a square shape lowers the impedance to around 8-12ohms.Steve Hunt G3TXQ, took a different approach and his design uses a 1:4 step up balun transformer to compensate for the low impedance
After the success of my first cobweb antenna I decided to build a rigid version for my home QTH
20m, 17m, 15m, 12m, 10m operation, at 4 meters from the ground for test
E' omnidirezionale e quindi non servono rotori occupa poco spazio e su tetto e' discreta
Deploying a centre fed open loop half-wave dipole in a square shape lowers the impedance to around 8-12ohms.Steve Hunt G3TXQ, took a different approach and his design uses a 1:4 step up balun transformer to compensate for the low impedance