WEB switch 1216E automatic antenna switch
WEB-switch 1216 is also possible to use as a automatic antenna switch
post 31 Jan 2024
Remote control radio Links →
Jack Audio
It provides a basic infrastructure for audio applications to communicate with each other and with audio hardware, through JACK
Remote ham radio on the air from anywhere. big stacks, kilowatts of power, dx has never been closer
Using the internet to remotely control you amateur equipment is rapidly becoming a hot topic
Remote Station with a Raspberry Pi
To operate a remote radio station whether industrial or open source; those include mfj’s rigpi solution or remoteqth’s open source developments
It provides a basic infrastructure for audio applications to communicate with each other and with audio hardware, through JACK
Remote ham radio on the air from anywhere. big stacks, kilowatts of power, dx has never been closer
Using the internet to remotely control you amateur equipment is rapidly becoming a hot topic
To operate a remote radio station whether industrial or open source; those include mfj’s rigpi solution or remoteqth’s open source developments