
Ground plane vhf 1/4 l'ambda

Antenna Ground plane (GP) has the property of receiving and transmitting in an omnidirectional way, that is to say everywhere equally
post 04 Apr 2024
Ground plane vhf 1/4 l'ambda

Antenna for UHF VHF Links


Building UHF Antennas
His method of construction can be used on most UHF through "low" microwave Yagis, and is especially useful for the 33, 23 and 13 cm bands

Build a 2m 8db collinear for £20
I started to build the antenna by cutting four lengths of wire, the measurement is 38.75ins for a half wave 145mhz but I cut them at 39.75ins

Questa antenna, realizzata con cavo coassiale di 52 Ohm, coincide perfettamente con l'impedenza presente al connettore d'antenna

A Tree Friendly 2 Meter Halo Antenna
The antenna is in fact nothing else but a half wavelength dipole with the legs bent in the shape of a circle

Take off angle of horizontal antenna

Take off angle of horizontal antenna For horizontal polarization, the electric field will move sideways on a horizontal plane, while for vertical polarization it will oscillate up and down on a vertical plane

Rx antennas 4Square Rx Vertical Array

Rx antennas 4Square Rx Vertical Array My frequency design of 1.825 MHz a 90 degrees line would be 33,70 metersinstead of the previously calculated 33,27 m

Atu balanced feeder antenna system

Atu balanced feeder antenna system An ATU has the advantage of bringing the feeder-antenna system to resonance, act as a band pass filter both on receive and transmit and a low SWR