
Butternut Notes

The next installation was similar except the antenna was mounted on a 15 foot mast using the STR Kit and 2 65 foot wires as 80 meter radials
post 08 May 2024
Butternut Notes

Antenna 80 meter Links


Isotron antenne Voor de 80m band
For the 80 m band the coil is wound with black 1.5 mm² installation wire of approximately 10 m length. The antenna resonates at 3,630 MHz with this

Inverted-L for 80m & 160m
On 80m very good performances with very acceptable noise level. Made several comparisons with EWE antenna's and magnetic loops - the very weak stations were always readable

Short verticale per i 80 metri
Si tratta di un tubo di plastica del tipo per impianti idraulici, lungo poco meno di due metri 1850 mm

80-75 Meter 4-Square Array
The SWR from 3.5 to 3.9 is below 1.5:1, the F/R of the array is 20dB average and with some signals even better

Antenna for 80 meters in garden 46ft
A 46 ft multi band antenna for small gardens that works well on 80 metersMain bands 50 ohm are 80m / 40m / 30m / 17m / 15m / 12m, Other bands 20m / 10m


Linear loaded short dipole 21Mhz For my amateur radio activities on the HF bands I only have a 3.6 m wide balcony available for antennas. After some study I decided to experiment with a shortened dipole for the 15 m band

Rx antennas 4Square Rx Vertical Array

Rx antennas 4Square Rx Vertical Array My frequency design of 1.825 MHz a 90 degrees line would be 33,70 metersinstead of the previously calculated 33,27 m

A simple SWR Meter is to be used at HF

A simple SWR Meter is to be used at HF An SWR meter provides information about how well matched is your antenna with the transmitter and how well power is being radiated