
Five simple antennas

Five simple antennas

This is a folded dipole that uses 300 Ohm TV twin feed-line throughout. The length L is calculated using standard dipole formulas(468/Frequency in Mhz, for feet, or 143/Frequency in Mhz

post 06 Dec 2024

Wire & Random Antenna Links


G5RV Antenna
The G5RV antenna is probably one of the most maligned antennas in the world

G5RV Formula a simple multiband antenna
Most people think that the famous G5RV antenna was designed as a multi-band antenna, but in fact, it was actually designed as a three - half waves in phase antenna for 14 Mhz

G5RV multi-band antenna
The G5RV, with its special feeder arrangement ladder line, is a multi-band centre-fed antenna capable of very efficient operation on all HF

How High should my Dipole be
I frequently hear the question: how high should my dipole be? Or alternatively, will my dipole work well at this or that height?


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