For 2 meter and 70cm
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J-pole 144-146 Mhz
Sia in VHF che in UHF l' SWR e' circa 1:1 sulla porzione di banda che mi interessa
J-Pole Antenna Design
On most of the J Pole designs out there, a choke should be used as close to the feedpoint of the antennameters
J-Pole Antenna
J-pole. on the bottom end the two conductors of the twinlead are twisted together and soldered
J-pole antennas for 2m-40m with Wireman cable
have built up the antenna for 2 m, 6 m, 12 m and 30 m. The table gives the values for experimenting with the other bands
J-pole 144Mhz
Sia in VHF che in UHF l' SWR e' circa 1:1 sulla porzione di banda che mi interessa
On most of the J Pole designs out there, a choke should be used as close to the feedpoint of the antennameters
J-pole. on the bottom end the two conductors of the twinlead are twisted together and soldered
have built up the antenna for 2 m, 6 m, 12 m and 30 m. The table gives the values for experimenting with the other bands
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