The Ferrite Rod Antenna

The use of a small Magnetic Loop as an antenna although usually better than a Hertzian dipole
post 26 Nov 2024
Antennas theory Links →
K9AY 4 Square by Bogdan
After two weeks of hard struggle with this project, it was possible to hear from the band that the model works
La prima antenna
La prima antenna si deve attribuire al fisico tedesco Heinrich Hertz
Longwave Information Details of my 136 kHz station
Umbrella-Antenna It consists of a 18m vertical telescopic fibre glas mast height depends on the wind condictions, four top-load wires, each about 15 to 20m long at a relatively steep angle
Measuring SWR
SWR standing wave ratio) is a measurement of how efficiently your antenna system will radiate the power available from your radio
MFJ-269 Review
After my review of my MFJ-207 Peter VK2TPM offered me his MFJ-269 to play with for comparison
After two weeks of hard struggle with this project, it was possible to hear from the band that the model works
La prima antenna si deve attribuire al fisico tedesco Heinrich Hertz
Umbrella-Antenna It consists of a 18m vertical telescopic fibre glas mast height depends on the wind condictions, four top-load wires, each about 15 to 20m long at a relatively steep angle
SWR standing wave ratio) is a measurement of how efficiently your antenna system will radiate the power available from your radio
After my review of my MFJ-207 Peter VK2TPM offered me his MFJ-269 to play with for comparison

PSION Greyline Clock PSION Greyline Clock v. 1.0 is a UTC/Local clock showing sunlight/darkness area on the world map