Small Tuned Loop

I will first describe a 40-meter loop that can be placed in almost any location, i have one mounted on the roof of my mobile home<
post 02 Nov 2024
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I had on hand only copper round 6mm in diameter, for use in mobile, aluminum of + / - 5mm would be better suited by its lightness.
Rybakov 806 Portable Multiband HF Antenna
Multiband NO TRAP NO GAP Antenna. This Antenna is a small wonder, easy to build and allow you to work all HF spectrum with your TRX and it's internal ATU
Shunt feeding a hustler 40 meter mobile hf antenna
The coil is 20 turns, #12 solid, 1 & 1/4 inch I.D. closet hanger dowel works great spread to 5' long, thats 4 turns per inch
Supporti e costruzione per antenne portatili
Quale supporto utilizzare se non si conosce la natura del terreno, la localita', il posto dove operare?
I had on hand only copper round 6mm in diameter, for use in mobile, aluminum of + / - 5mm would be better suited by its lightness.
Multiband NO TRAP NO GAP Antenna. This Antenna is a small wonder, easy to build and allow you to work all HF spectrum with your TRX and it's internal ATU
The coil is 20 turns, #12 solid, 1 & 1/4 inch I.D. closet hanger dowel works great spread to 5' long, thats 4 turns per inch
Quale supporto utilizzare se non si conosce la natura del terreno, la localita', il posto dove operare?

PSION Greyline Clock PSION Greyline Clock v. 1.0 is a UTC/Local clock showing sunlight/darkness area on the world map