
Build a 17 meter reduced size coaxial moxon rectangle

A standard Moxon rectangle designed for 17 meters would be about 19 3/4 feet wide
post 24 Mar 2024
Build a 17 meter reduced size coaxial moxon rectangle

Antenna Moxon Links



Build a 17 Meter Reduced Size Coaxial Moxon Rectangle
A standard Moxon rectangle designed for 17 meters would be about 19 3/4 feet wide

Building Moxon antenna 10-15-20 mt
Building a moxon is easy since you can work on it on a horizontal plane

Dualband 17m/20m Moxon
The voltages across the capacitors on 17m are high. At 100W, we're looking at 350V across the 18pF reflector load capacitor and 475V across the 44pF L-network capacitor. At full legal power on 17m, these voltages are about 1400V and 1800V respectively

Psion ham software

PSION Greyline Clock PSION Greyline Clock v. 1.0 is a UTC/Local clock showing sunlight/darkness area on the world map


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