
Antena Quadra Cubica for 11m

This antenna as in each frame has 2 elements in the vertical position and 2 in the horizontal position, there will be an optimized reception in these two polarizations
post 18 Feb 2024
Antena Quadra Cubica for 11m

Antenna Transmatch tuner Links


Build hf antenna tuner
This page details several T-match tuners. By comparing them, you should be able to construct a tuner to your own particular requirements

Realization of a coupling box by Patrice
The torus has 6 wires: 2 side CV, 2 side self and 2 to the outputs of the box, for the RX - TX.- For the six outputs of the torus, put "souplisso" recovered on the transformer of a micro insulation 2000 volts

Box agreement antenna with coil with caster and 4 CV isolated
From the left to the right we see the balun on the ferrite bar, the 4-cage CV and the roller coaster.

Box Antenna tuner 8 bandes
It covers amateur bands from 80 to 10 m in 7 ranges because the bands 14 and 18 MHz use the same position of the switch

Box Antenna tuner monobande 28/30 MHz
Like the 10 MHz mono-band box, this box operates in autotransfo. The permissible power is greater than 200 watts

Antenna switch arduino for icom IC-7300

Antenna switch arduino for icom IC-7300 A solution built around an arduino nano and one of the readily available four relay switching boards

Satellite Antenna Rotator Controller and TRACker

Satellite Antenna Rotator Controller and TRACker ARCTRAC is a portable integrated satellite tracking system

Duplexer 2m-70cm

Duplexer 2m-70cm- Usare un'antenna bibanda 2/70 con due radio separate V/UHF, usare due antenne separate V/UHF con una singola radio bibanda