Realization of a coupling box by Patrice
The torus has 6 wires: 2 side CV, 2 side self and 2 to the outputs of the box, for the RX - TX.- For the six outputs of the torus, put "souplisso" recovered on the transformer of a micro insulation 2000 volts
post 11 May 2023
Antenna Transmatch tuner Links →
Automatic Tuner Project
The automatic antenna tuner described here is the first part of automating my station so I can run it remotely
Automatic Tuner-Transceiver Interface
This Autoamtic Tuner-Transceiver Interface (ATTI), based on my own firmware and a PIC16F876 processor, is used to control a connected transceiver when the Tune
Automatic Z-Match Antenna Tuner Project
AT-3K only has a switch position for balance line BAL to feed to an external balun
Accordatore d'antenna QRP per i 20m
Se il led si accende, significa che ci sono onde stazionarie, se il led e' spento vuol dire che esse sono molto basse
Accordatore di Antenna Tuner
La configurazione a T offre un range di impedenza piu' elevata, e permette di accordare quasi tutte le antenne
The automatic antenna tuner described here is the first part of automating my station so I can run it remotely
This Autoamtic Tuner-Transceiver Interface (ATTI), based on my own firmware and a PIC16F876 processor, is used to control a connected transceiver when the Tune
AT-3K only has a switch position for balance line BAL to feed to an external balun
Se il led si accende, significa che ci sono onde stazionarie, se il led e' spento vuol dire che esse sono molto basse
La configurazione a T offre un range di impedenza piu' elevata, e permette di accordare quasi tutte le antenne
About Rtty mode
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