195 Foot Rotating Tower At the

The specifications for the tower include a total of 30 cubic yards of concrete in the foundation and anchors, and three levels of 3/8" guy wires with rotating bearing races at 60’, 120’ and 180 feet. the rotator uses a 1 horsepower motor driving a gear reduction system, followed by a 1.5 inch wide industrial chain drive to turn the turntable upon which the tower sits
post 16 Oct 2024
Antenna Tower Links →
Ham Radio Tower at, NØHR
Here are some of the highlights of the tower and antenna project
High Band Antennas, K5GO
The primary antenna on 20 meters is a stack of 8 element Yagi antennas fixed on Europe. Antennas are at 150 feet and 75 feet with each antenna on a 110 foot boom
Installazione del traliccio, IW2NOY
Installazione del traliccio, foto che abbiamo scattato durante i lavori
Here are some of the highlights of the tower and antenna project
The primary antenna on 20 meters is a stack of 8 element Yagi antennas fixed on Europe. Antennas are at 150 feet and 75 feet with each antenna on a 110 foot boom
Installazione del traliccio, foto che abbiamo scattato durante i lavori

PSION Greyline Clock PSION Greyline Clock v. 1.0 is a UTC/Local clock showing sunlight/darkness area on the world map