
4NEC2 antenna modeler

4nec2 is a completely free Nec2, Nec4 and windows based tool for creating, viewing, optimizing and checking 2D and 3D style antenna geometry structures
post 09 Apr 2024
4NEC2 antenna modeler

Antenna Analysis Links


Antenna Maker
It allows to quickly calculate dimensions for Quads antennas, Yagi antenna, Inverted vees antennas as well as J-poles and Traps to extend dipoles band coverage

Antenna Scatterers Analysis Program
A Free general-purpose user-oriented free software program for numerical electromagnetic antenna design, antenna modeling, and/or antenna analysis specifically

Antenna Solver
GSovler is a full vector solution of the diffraction grating problem for arbitrarily complex periodic grating structures

Design and build helix antennas
The need for the construction of an antenna with circular polarization was presented

VK5JST aerial analyser
This analyser is a high quality low cost diy project which covers from 1.3 - 57mhz 160 - 6 metres

The K9AY loop antenna for 160 and 80m bands

The K9AY loop antenna for 160 and 80m bands You don't have the space to put up a 4 beverage antenna's, an ewe or a 4-square and want 'good ears' on 160 and 80m? no problems try a k9ay loop antenna

Satellite Antenna Rotator Controller and TRACker

Satellite Antenna Rotator Controller and TRACker ARCTRAC is a portable integrated satellite tracking system

40m Compact 4-Square Antenna

40m Compact 4-Square Antenna Compact 4-Square Antenna – EA5AVL The EA5AVL 40M Compact 4-Square Antenna was designed to provide excellent DX communications on the 40m band