
A Co-ax Trap Dipole For 40 30 and 20 Meters

Having made lots of dipoles, but never a trapped antenna, I started by doing some reading on the subject Coax traps wound on thin plastic formers would be cheap and lightweight
post 19 May 2024
A Co-ax Trap Dipole For 40 30 and 20 Meters

Coils Traps Antennas Links →


Multiband trap dipole antenna
Coaxial traps work as loading coils below their resonant frequency, thus reducing the overall length of the dipole

Trapped dipole antennas
Looking at the sketch above, when working 40 m only the red wires are part of the antenna but when using 80 m the red and purple wires are the antenna

Trappola per dipolo 40/80m
Sono stati realizzati due circuiti risonanti di facile riproducibilità e meccanicamente di adeguata robustezza

The W3DZZ antenna for 40 and 80 meter band
Before you start, bee sure that you know exactly where you would hang the dipol

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