Build a 12/17 Meter Trap Dipole
Why a 12/17 meter rotatable dipole? Well, many folks have verticals for the lower bands, and multi-band dipoles or beams for 20-, 15-, and 10 meters. But often you don’t have an antenna for the 17-and 12-meter bands
post 08 Jan 2025
Coils Traps Antennas Links →
Cool It
I have owned an AT-AUTO since they were first released and its given good service. One area that it let me down was 10M
Current Through a 75m Bugcatcher Loading Coil
Many experiments and measurements have been made on loading coils using net standing wave current
Costruire tappole per hf
Con questo articolo vorrei descrivere la sequenza delle operazioni che solitamente svolgo quando costruisco le trappole per le bande HF
Come misurare le trappole con l'analizzatore d'antenna
Studiare un sistema accoppiato d'antenne mi sono imbattuto nell'arcinoto modo di tagliare un coassiale esattamente lambda/4
Coil Inductance Calculator
This calculator computes the inductance of a wire coil
I have owned an AT-AUTO since they were first released and its given good service. One area that it let me down was 10M
Many experiments and measurements have been made on loading coils using net standing wave current
Con questo articolo vorrei descrivere la sequenza delle operazioni che solitamente svolgo quando costruisco le trappole per le bande HF
Studiare un sistema accoppiato d'antenne mi sono imbattuto nell'arcinoto modo di tagliare un coassiale esattamente lambda/4
This calculator computes the inductance of a wire coil
PIC-Keyer This project describes the construction of a real "QRP" keyer with a small microcontroller PIC 16F84, with slightly modified hardware also PIC16F62