Trappole per antenna HF
La funzione della trappola, e' di isolare tratti di filo per consentire il funzionamento dell'antenna su diverse frequenze
post 22 Dec 2021
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Set-Up di misura per trappole
E' da parecchio tempo che sono alla ricerca di un sistema per misurare le trappole senza piena soddisfazione
Trapped five band EFHW SOTA antenna
I have been using a 40m End-Fed Half Wave EFHW antenna very successfully for the last few months and I wanted to extend the design to multi-band whilst avoiding the need to take a tuner along
A trapped dipole for 80m and 40m using bootstrap coax traps
This article explores a theoretical model for the losses of an 80m / 40m trapped inverted V dipole antenna system using a bootstrap coax trap
Trap Dipole for 17, 12 and 6 Metre Amateur Bands
6 band trapped dipole antenna long 6.82m
The Making of a Dipole Trap Antenna
E' da parecchio tempo che sono alla ricerca di un sistema per misurare le trappole senza piena soddisfazione
I have been using a 40m End-Fed Half Wave EFHW antenna very successfully for the last few months and I wanted to extend the design to multi-band whilst avoiding the need to take a tuner along
This article explores a theoretical model for the losses of an 80m / 40m trapped inverted V dipole antenna system using a bootstrap coax trap
6 band trapped dipole antenna long 6.82m
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