Assorted grounding hints and kinks
RF ground is a vague term: People claim they know what it is when they see it, but can't define it
post 10 Jun 2024
System Grounding Links →
Correnti di dispersione
Con i differenziali in presenza di correnti di dispersione
Different grounds for different shacks
questions about grounding stations in difficult locations
Experiments On Ground Antennas
underground antennas-aerials buried below ground level
Experimental Determination of Ground System
a very common problem with vertical groung systems
Elementi con il tag impianto di terra
Sto facendo una ricerca sulla MESSA A TERRA
Con i differenziali in presenza di correnti di dispersione
questions about grounding stations in difficult locations
underground antennas-aerials buried below ground level
a very common problem with vertical groung systems
Sto facendo una ricerca sulla MESSA A TERRA