Antenna da balcone multiband
Bande 10-12-15-17-20-30-40 metri, con un Balun 4:1, Nucleo Ferite EAT TV Balun 4:1
post 16 Sep 2024
Antenna Vertical Links →
Antenna verticale multibanda
Single conductor to be connected for all decametric bands excluding 80 meters
Field Day Vertical Antenna
The 1/4 wave vertical element is mounted above the bottom mast separated
Wide Band 40, 75, & 80 Meter Antenna
The 80m/40m antenna the thicker a dipole wire is relative to its length, the wider the bandwidth
The Gamma-matched ground plane
Achieve a good match to a coaxial transmission line with the gamma-matched ground plane
Antenna verticale multibanda
Problemi di spazio, consigli per la costruzione di una antenna verticale a 1/4 d'onda senza trappole, di semplice ed economica realizzazione
Single conductor to be connected for all decametric bands excluding 80 meters
The 1/4 wave vertical element is mounted above the bottom mast separated
The 80m/40m antenna the thicker a dipole wire is relative to its length, the wider the bandwidth
Achieve a good match to a coaxial transmission line with the gamma-matched ground plane
Problemi di spazio, consigli per la costruzione di una antenna verticale a 1/4 d'onda senza trappole, di semplice ed economica realizzazione