Butternut HF2V 160-30m
The basic two-band antenna comes well packages and consists of eight aluminum tubes, two coils one for 80 and one for 40 plus a bunch of loose things like capacitors, screws, nuts, and so on
post 26 Apr 2023
Antenna Vertical Links →
A low cost fishing pole vertical antenna
On 7 and 10 MHz the performance of a ground mounted vertical is good compared to a typical dipole at 10 Metres above ground
Alte prestazione sulle bande basse
Sulle bande piu basse l'utilizzo di verticali poste in prossimita' del suolo e molto vantaggioso
Antena vertical para 10, 15 Y 20 Mt
Two coils that we will mount on PVC pipes, 75 mm. in diameter and about 12 cm in length, winding together 36 turns of 1.5 mm diameter varnished wire
On 7 and 10 MHz the performance of a ground mounted vertical is good compared to a typical dipole at 10 Metres above ground
Sulle bande piu basse l'utilizzo di verticali poste in prossimita' del suolo e molto vantaggioso
Two coils that we will mount on PVC pipes, 75 mm. in diameter and about 12 cm in length, winding together 36 turns of 1.5 mm diameter varnished wire
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