Effective HF Mobile Antennas
If you are operating below 21 MHz,it is all but impossible to run a full-sized mobile antenna, so some sort of loading coil will be needed
post 26 Apr 2023
Antenna Vertical Links →
The plain and simple truth is that wire antennas for the HF bands were intended to be hand-made and not store-bought
2 element reversible vertical
32ft. long insulated wires supported by fiberglass push up masts at aprox 40 ft high
80m-40m Dual Band Vertical
Hopefully this will help others looking for a good 80m/40m antenna. I have enjoyed this antenna project and it works very well
20m & 40m trapped vertical squid pole antenna
The trap is made with 42mm diameter PVC pipe with 9 turns of wire on it. In the middle of the pipe is a length of open ended coax acting as a capacitor
2 element reversible vertical
My linear-loaded vertical doublet has been doing an excellent job the past two years, but it's time for a change. I've wanted to play with a twin-T capacitive loaded vertical doublet design
The plain and simple truth is that wire antennas for the HF bands were intended to be hand-made and not store-bought
32ft. long insulated wires supported by fiberglass push up masts at aprox 40 ft high
Hopefully this will help others looking for a good 80m/40m antenna. I have enjoyed this antenna project and it works very well
The trap is made with 42mm diameter PVC pipe with 9 turns of wire on it. In the middle of the pipe is a length of open ended coax acting as a capacitor
My linear-loaded vertical doublet has been doing an excellent job the past two years, but it's time for a change. I've wanted to play with a twin-T capacitive loaded vertical doublet design
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