Modifying for tv icom ic 7000
The ceramic trap filters have to be replaced. They are situated at the bottom of the Main Board
post 12 Apr 2024
Transceivers ic-7000 Links →
IC-7000 Mic Upgrade
optimized upgrades for icom, yaesu, elecraft & xiegu mics
Boom microphone
using pc boom headsets with amateur transceivers yaesu ft-857 ft-897 icom ic-7000
IC-7000 Expand TX
Take off two screws and pull up the silver box
IC-7000 pictures
>Here is a list of models from Icom where you find pictures
optimized upgrades for icom, yaesu, elecraft & xiegu mics
using pc boom headsets with amateur transceivers yaesu ft-857 ft-897 icom ic-7000
Take off two screws and pull up the silver box
>Here is a list of models from Icom where you find pictures