SWR meter kit
Several years ago I built one to a design by G3WPO that was sold as a kit by Cirkit. It worked quite well, but it contained numerous trimmers that needed adjusting from time to time to maintain the accuracy
post 30 Mar 2024
Swr Meter Links →
Externe s-meter for YAESU FT-857 EN FT-897
FT-857 has the ability to connect an analog instrument
HF + 6m LCD RF Power and SWR meter 1500W
Si tratta di un semplice ma efficiente sistema di misura con display LCD della potenza RF diretta
RF measuring bridge for the standing wave alignment
bridge circuit for standing wave measurement has the advantage that only small RF
Homemade UHF SWR meter
Below you can see my homemade VSWR for UHF
FT-857 has the ability to connect an analog instrument
Si tratta di un semplice ma efficiente sistema di misura con display LCD della potenza RF diretta
bridge circuit for standing wave measurement has the advantage that only small RF
Below you can see my homemade VSWR for UHF